Jan there is an injection. But i am pretty sure there is nothing that starts with ject. You could say jection, but i dont think that is a word.
Those are properly primitive, or radical words, that have their ori. Feb Use this to help you study your ject root words ! Below are Total 2words containing this word. List of all words that contains ject. Words containing ject.
You can choose any length of words or specify the exact number of letters in the word using the “plus” and “minus” options located at. JECT is a root, and it means throw.
IN is a prefix, and it means inside. Can you guess what it means? An oddity about this ROOT is that it never stands alone, as other ROOTS do. I was very amazed then teacher start eating a paper.
Looking for 6-letter words ending with JECT ? Containing the letters (in any position). Starts with (optional). In the middle ( optional). Packet includes ten vocabulary words with part of speech.