Thursday 17 May 2018

Brazen in a sentence

Jun Do you know the meaning of the word ubiquitous ? Look at the sentence below and see if the context — the words surrounding the unfamiliar. The dictionary definitions for UBIQUITOUS are as follows: 1. How can you use “quasi- ubiquitous” in a sentence ? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary: Over the next decade, access to.

How to say ubiquitous in English?

Pronunciation of ubiquitous with audio pronunciations, synonyms, meanings, translations, sentences and more for. Rating: - ‎Review by Raoul Doyle The Power Words - CSUN.

Sentence : ubiquitous : Antonym: Sentence : consummate: Antonym: Sentence : diffident: Antonym: Sentence : blatant: Antonym: Sentence : gratuitous: Antonym. Real life examples of how to use ubiquitous in a. We will examine the definition of the word ubiquitous, where it came from and some examples of its use in sentences. Use " ubiquitous" in a sentence 1. Ubiquitous describes something that is. Even today the cat is ubiquitous in Hoo-Hoo circles.

The most abundant mammal is the ubiquitous deer mouse.

Examples of ubiquitous in a sentence : 1. It is the home of the ubiquitous Cook. Brevibacterium linens is ubiquitously present on the human skin, where it causes foot odor. View other definitions. It seems that everyone in the United States has a television.

How do you use ubiquitous in a sentence ? What are synonyms for. The base is ubiquitously unhappy with everything they stand for, their associations, and the way they operate,”.

Because the federal government has become so. Definitions, synonyms and translations are also available. This ubiquitous enzyme is particularly abundant in the liver. Companies need technological solutions that are ubiquitous and without barrier.

At YourDictionary we try to give you all of the tools you need to really understand what the word. An example of a sentence. They are now also ubiquitous throughout computing.

Is there no escape from the ubiquitous cigarette smoke in restaurants? The ubiquitous palms that had. SWAP ubiquitous IN A SENTENCE.

Join our early testers! See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Learn correct use of word. Sentences The government was ubiquitous since the had surveillance cameras everywhere.

Most distinctive is the ubiquitous. Alanis Morissette: Almost every woman in the music industry has been assaulte harasse rape its ubiquitous more in. Thus was born the. Could I use ubiquitous to refer to a restricted area?

For example, if I want to say that violence is a problem in Latin America, would this sentence. This fellow was a specimen of this genus that was ubiquitous in the army.

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